
Chihuahua 7-by-many Letter Puzzles:

Word puzzles with reusable letters

A 7-by-many puzzle has seven different letters, each of which can be used many times in making words.

Use some or all of the letters in each puzzle to make as many words as you can. Letters can be used in any order, but the letter in the middle must be used in every word. Words must have at least five letters. You should be able to find one or more words that use all of the seven letters at least once.

How 7-by-many puzzles work

How 7-by-many letter puzzles work

Targets are shown for Good, Better and Best. These can be reached using words that most people would probably know. For word puzzle enthusiasts who know a lot of the more unusual words, there are two higher target levels: Maven and Cham. You will need to know some very rare words to hit either of these targets.

All solutions are at the back of the book.

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Chihuahua 7-by-many Letter Puzzles Volume 4

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Chihuahua 7-by-many Letter Puzzles Volume 3

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Chihuahua 7-by-many Letter Puzzles Volume 2

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Chihuahua 7-by-many Letter Puzzles Volume 1

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