Help > Having problems?
If the puzzle won't load completely, or the scoreboard isn't being updated, there are a number of things you can try that might correct the problem.
First, try re-loading the Web page, using the Refresh / Reload button on your browser's address bar.
It probably looks something like this
Many browsers also let you perform a more thorough reload by pressing the F5 key while holding down the
Ctrl key.
If you are still having problems, there are two yellow buttons towards the bottom right of the puzzle
area: . If you can see these buttons on the puzzle page, try clicking on "Reset".
(This is designed to clear out some locally stored data that may have become mis-aligned with the records
on the Web server.)
If all else fails, try clicking on "Alt. site". This will take you to a copy of the site at a different address. If the "Alt. site" button is not visible, you can still go to the alternate site. Just click on whichever one of these links doesn't match the beginning of the current Web page:
If you're still having problems, please send an email to giving details of what happens when you try to load the site, when you last tried, and the name you play under.