
Chihuahua Classic Puzzle Books:

Selected 9-letter puzzles

Each book contains 100 classic puzzles from the Chihuahua Word Puzzle website, with statistics and charts you can use to measure your success against online players from around the world.

Sample chart from Chihuahua Classic book

Sample chart from a Chihuahua Classic book. How do you measure up against the world's best Chihuahua players?

See how many words of at least four letters you can make from an array of nine letters. The letter in the middle must be used in every word, and at least one word can be made that uses all the letters. All solutions are given at the back of the book.

In Chihuahua Classic puzzles you cannot use most plurals ending in S, following the same rules as the puzzles on this website. Specifically, you cannot use plurals and verb forms made by adding S to the end of a base word, such as apples, finds. However plurals and verbs ending in S may be used if the base word has been changed when the S was added: babies is acceptable; so is echoes. You can also play a word that has no singular (like ides) or that is neither a noun nor a verb (like hers).

Be warned: the solutions at the end of the book contain any words found in modern dictionaries, a few of which might be considered offensive by some players.

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Chihuahua Classic Volume 4

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Chihuahua Classic Volume 3

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Chihuahua Classic Volume 2

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Chihuahua Classic Volume 1

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